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Recent Submissions

Assessment of Genetic Variability and Molecular Characterization in Pea (Pisum Sativum L.)
(Sardar Vallabh Bhai Patel University of Agriculture & Technology, Meerut, 2022) "Rupesh Kumar "; Bijendra Singh
The present study by using 20 germplasms of pea were evaluated for genetic diversity and yield related traits with randomized block design (RBD) with three replications during Rabi 2021-22. Ten quantitative characters were considered to study information on the nature and magnitude of genetic variability, degree of association among different yield contributing traits with yield and related traits and the degree of genetic divergence and molecular analysis at molecular level. Observations were recorded on various characters viz. days to germination, days to 50% flowering, plant height (cm), number of pods per plant, seeds per pod, length of pod (cm), width of pod (cm), days to maturity, pod yield per plant (g) and pod yield (q/ha). Analysis of variance revealed substantial amount of variability among the genotypes for all the characters, under study, indicated wide spectrum of variability among the genotypes. High phenotypic and genotypic coefficient of variation was observed for number of pod per plant (26.63, 26.43), moderate PCV and GCV was recorded for days to 50 % flowering (18.32, 18.15) and least PCV and GCV was observed in (6.20, 5.33). High heritability coupled with high genetic advance as percentage was observed for days to maturity (99.39, 27.65), plant height (98.98, 46.50), pod yield per plant (98.95, 45.43), pod yield (q/ha) (98.89, 32.22) and moderate heritability was recorded for number of pod per plant (98.80, 46.50) days to 50 % flowering (98.25, 37.07), length of pod (89.35, 13.99). Days to maturity revealed highly significant and positive correlation with days to 50% flowering (0.736, 0.726) both genotypic and phenotypic level. Path coefficient analysis revealed that length of pod (0.9703) have direct and positive effect on pod yield at genotypic level and number of pods per plant (0.5881) have direct and positive effect on pod yield at phenotypic level. Mahalanobis (D*) statistics revealed considerable genetic diversity among the genotypes. Genotypes were grouped into five clusters maximum 5 genotypes fell in to two cluster viz. cluster I and II. In the present study, maximum intra cluster distance was observed for cluster I and the maximum inter cluster distance was recorded in cluster II and IV and least inter cluster distance observed between cluster III and V. At Molecular level 11 RAPD primers produce 60 bands. Average of PIC value for 11 RAPD primers 0.330. Average resolving power is 2.590 for RAPD primers. Unweighted pair-group method arithmetic average cluster analysis and principal coordinate analysis on the marker-based GS grouped the cultivated varieties separately from whole accessions into different clusters. Genotype AP-3 and Arka Priya revealed great distance genetic relationship.
Study to identify suitable time and technique of propagation of peach (Prunus persica L.) under Western Uttar Pradesh conditions
(Sardar Vallabh Bhai Patel University of Agriculture & Technology, Meerut, 2022) Akanksha Marwah; Arvind Kumar
An Investigation entitled "Study to identify suitable time and technique of propagation in peach (Prunus persica L.) under Western Uttar-Pradesh conditions." was concluded at the Horticultural Research Centre of Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel University of Agriculture and Technology, Meerut (U.P.) during the year 2022 in Factorial Randomized Block Design (FRBD) with three replication to assess the different modes of propagation in Peach. Total 7 treatments viz Ti. 30h December Ta- 15th January Ts- 30th January Ta- 15th February Ts Ist March T 15th March T7- 30th March Wedge grafting and T budding were examined during the investigation. Diferent parameters i.e, Shoot diameter (mm), Shoot length (cm), Number of leaves, Leaf area(m,Height (cm), Survival (%), Mortality (6) were observed during the proceeding of cropping period. On the basis of comprebensive study of present investigation, it was concluded that amongst Wedge grafting and T-budding during the duration of January to March Wedge grafting was found superior over T-budding for maximum shoot diameter, shoot length, number of leaves, leaf area, height, survival percentage, mortality percentage. Thus, that there was the significant impact of suitable technique and time of propagation of peach. The best result was found with wedge grafting under 30 January and their combination may be suggested for propagation of peach under Subtropical Conditions. Accordingly, Sharbati seedling performed better in wedge grafting it revealed maximum shoot diameter, shoot length, number of leaves, survival percentage. Hence, Wedge grafting recommended as successful commercial propagation of Peach under Western Uttar Pradesh conditions.
Analysis of Genetic Diversity in Potato (Solanum Tuberosum L.)
(Sardar Vallabh Bhai Patel University of Agriculture & Technology, Meerut, 2022) Rahul Kumar; Satya Prakash
Twenty one genotypes of potato were evaluated at Horticulture Research Centre of SVP University of Agriculture & Technology, Meerut during Rabi season 2021-22.The experiment was carried out in Randomized Block Design with three replications. Potato (Solanum tuberosum L. 2n=4x=48) is known as the "King of vegetables" and belongs to the solanaceae family. The origin of Potato is central Andean region of South America. The analysis of variance revealed significant among all the genotypes for all the 11 characters under study. The high percentage (>20%) of genotypic coefficient of variation and phenotypic coefficient of variation for length of internodes, plant height, number of stem plant-1, tuber yield plant-1, number of nodes at 30 DAP, number of tubers plant-1 while moderate (10-20%) for number of leaves at 60 DAP, number of nodes at 60 DAP, tuber size, number of leaves at 30 DAP and lowest (<10) in germination % at 20 DAP. Further the present finding exhibited that the estimate of PCV was magnitude greater than the GCV for all characters indicating the important role of environment the expression of characters. So that character would be more effective to improve the crop. The range of heritability varies from 40.23% for germination % at 20 DAP to 98.85% for tuber yield plant-1. The highest heritability estimates for tuber yield plant-1, number of leaves at 60 DAP, number of nodes at 60 DAP, plant height, number of nodes at 30 DAP, tuber size, length of internodes, number of tubers plant-1, number of stem plant-1, number of leaves at 30 DAP. The range of genetic advance was varies from 6.19% for germination % at 20 DAP to 59.39% for length of internodes. The estimates of genetic advance as percent of mean was exhibited high for length of internodes, plant height, tuber yield plant-1, number of stem plant-1, number of nodes at 30 DAP, number of tubers plant-1, number of leaves at 60 DAP, number of nodes at 60 DAP, tuber size. In general, genotypic correlation coefficients were found to be greater than phenotypic correlation coefficients. Tuber yield plant-1 showed positive and highly significant correlation with tuber size, number of leaves at 60 DAP, number of tubers plant-1, germination % at 20 DAP while, positive and less-significant correlation with number of leaves at 30 DAP. Path analysis result was obtained positive and direct effect on tuber yield plant-1 was exerted by the length of internodes, tuber size, number of tubers plant-1, number of nodes at 30 DAP, number of leaves at 60 DAP, germination % at 20 DAP and negative direct effect on tuber yield per plant was recorded by the plant height, number of nodes at 60 DAP, number of stem plant-1 and number of leaves at 30 DAP. Twenty one genotypes of potato were grouped into five clusters. The cluster I comprised highest eight genotypes, cluster V comprised five genotypes, Cluster III comprised four genotypes and minimum genotypes comprised in Cluster II and Cluster IV respectively. The range of intra-cluster distance was from 1.545 to 2.248. The maximum intra-cluster distance was recorded in cluster I, cluster V, cluster II, cluster IV and minimum intra-cluster distance was found in cluster III. The maximum inter-cluster distance was observed in cluster IV and II and the minimum inter-cluster distance was found in cluster III and I.
Effect of Nutrient Management on Growth, Yield and Quality of Garlic (Allium Sativum L.) Cv. Yamuna Safed–3
(Sardar Vallabh Bhai Patel University of Agriculture & Technology, Meerut, 2022) Astha Vishwaraj; Manoj Kumar Singh,
Effect of PGRs on Vegetative Propagation of Lemon (Citrus limon Burm.) cv. Pant lemon-1, under Western U.P. Conditions
(Sardar Vallabh Bhai Patel University of Agriculture & Technology, Meerut, 2022) Prashant Gautam; Sanjay Kumar Tripathi,